Diploma work: Monthly report 1/97
Review January 1997
In the last month I made the first approches to my Diploma
work. I read the basic papers about recording of handwritten text
using video equipment, filmed myself writing a short and rather
silly sentence in front of the camera and played around with
filters on the resulting video frames.
The results of the work during January are the following ones:
- Documentation about the "Aufgabenstellung" of
my Diploma work (available as seperate print-out)
- Documentation about the Roadmap of my Diploma work
(available as seperate print-out)
- Documentation about the Dataflow and Design of my Diploma
work (available as seperate print-out)
- Several MPEG video clips with some written words like
"Hello world"
- Toolset to split MPEG files and read them into my program
- Basic C++ classes to load, store and manipulate digital
- Very basic routines to display those images on the screen
inside of a GUI
Preview February 1997
In the next month I focus my work on the processing of digital
images. At the end of February I wanna have a set of filters and
routines to pre- and postprocess my video frames and a tool to
view the pictures and verify the filters online on the screen in
a quick manner. Using those tools Ill be able to select and
test filters to receive useful pictures to recognize the
linestrokes of the handwritten text. Besides I like to specify a
data format to store the results of the recognition process.
My goals for February are:
- Several useful filters to process the digital images
- generation of Delta images
- Tool to test filters and view the result online in a
quick manner
- simple GUI to integrate the dataflow (splitting the MPEG
file, pre-process of the frames, generation of the Delta
images and the post-process)
- Specification of my own data format to store the
recognized linestrokes
- first simple results based on the several Delta images
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Last modified 23.12.1999 00:18:50 by Thomas von Siebenthal