Diploma work: Monthly report 2/97

Review February 1997

During the month February I was working on the basics of my prototype. I’m now able to read the single frames of my videos from January inside a GUI, apply several filters on them and generate a Delta image.

My filters always take as input and output a copy of the original image. The several filters try to detect pixels (e.g. paper, desk, hand, pen) that have to be white and turn them to white in the destination image. The source image stays untouched; so it’s the same for every instance of any filter. With every new filter-step the usability of the destination image stays at least the same as before or gets better if the filter only removes pixels that don’t belong to written text.

At the moment I apply the following filters:

  1. Turn bright pixels to white. With this method most of the paper becomes a clear white without noise.
  2. Analyse areas (about 9x9 to 13x13 pixels) around a pixel: If the ratio of dark pixels around such a pixel is above a certain limit the pixel is part of a shadow, the hand or the desk and is eliminated to white. If the ratio is below a certain level I assume the pixel to be part of the written text an leave it untouched. With this method most of the shadows and the hand is eliminated to a clear white.
  3. Black and White conversion

The results of the work during February are the following ones:

Preview March 1997

In the next month I still focus my work on the processing of digital images and on the generation of the delta images. At the end of March I plan to finish my prototype. Concerning my Roadmap this prototype has to be able to process images inside a GUI and deliver some rather good output in my own data format.

To achieve this I have to concentrate on the following points:

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Last modified 23.12.1999 00:18:50 by Thomas von Siebenthal