Diploma work: Monthly report 4/97

Review April 1997

During April I spent my time with the analysis of the delta images, the preparation of my postponed talk and the problems of abstract base classes in C++. Because I had to do a lot of other things besides my diploma work I didn’t get as far as expected. The the results of April are:

The output generated by my prototype looks like this: Output:

Because the generation of the delta images is not yet good enough, about half of the line strokes are lost.

Preview May 1997

The generation of the delta images works more or less. Because sometimes the brightness of an ink trace is very near to the brightness of the paper or a shadow I have to choose the limit between black and white very conservative and loose some ink traces. But I don’t get to many ink trace. On the other hand I could allow more ink traces to be detected, but that would result in too many ink positions ...

My goals for May 1997 are:

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Last modified 23.12.1999 00:18:51 by Thomas von Siebenthal