Diploma work: Monthly report 6/97
Review June 1997
I did the following things during the last month:
- I restricted the application of Otsu to a small window
around the previous ink position to get a better result.
This sometimes still results in a threshold which is too
high. To correct this I implemented at the moment an
upper limit for the threshold, but in the future I plan
to inspect the output parameters of Otsu to get more
informations about the look of the histogram.
- Preparation of slides and recognition results for my
- I hold my talk in occasion of the "FKI
- I improved the averaging of the black points after the
delta image generation. To get a better center in the
middle of most of the pixels I use a iterative process.
In the first step I calculate a "normal" center
where every pixel has the same weight. In the next steps
the pixels have weights reverse proportional to the
distance from the previous center. With this improvement
the detected line strokes look already much better. The
letter "e" of the word "Hello" can
now be recognized.
- To improve the preprocessing of the images I tried the
proposal of Mr. Jiang. In a first step I capture now the
greyscale image of the written word "Hello
world!", calculate the threshold using Otsu and
convert the image to a binary image. This binary image I
"thick" about 3 to 7 times and use all the blak
pixels as a mask. Only pixels that are black in this mask
are treated in the frame sof the image sequence. All
other pixels are turned white and ignored. With this
approach I can get rid of a lot of disturbing pixels and
concentrate on pixels near the written text. The letter
"o" of the word "Hello" looks now
rather well. Because the time-resolution of the input
frames is to high it looks still strange.
- I read in the Diploma work of R. Ammann about the
interface to the ETHZ recognition system.
Preview July 1997
My goals for July 1997 are:
- Capture several image sequences of one writer. The
written text has to be only a single line, but the
resolution over time should be better. E.g. a letter
"o" should consist of at least 10 frames to get
a nice detection that looks like a round "o".
If theres enough time in July I plan to capture
sequences of other writers, too.
- Analyse the output parameters of Otsu to check the
reliability of the threshold.
- Test the iterative calculation of the center on several
other image sequences. Improve it.
- Test the "mask" on several other image
sequences. Improve it.
- Analyse the influence of the ETHZ input interface to my
detection process and my output interface.
- Integrate the selection of the area for the mask into my
GUI to make testings easier and faster.
- Think about the automatic getting of the mask after the
writer completed a line of text.
- Read about projective geometry to be able to reproject
the captured image into a normalized view of the paper.
With this I should be able to detect the position of the
paper and normalize into the point of view of a scanner
or a graphics tablet.
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Last modified 23.12.1999 00:18:51 by Thomas von Siebenthal